Research papers
In mathematics, authors are ordered alphabetically.
Pointwise ergodic theorems along fractional powers of primes, Erik Bahnson, Leonidas Daskalakis, Abbas Dohadwala, and Ish Shah, 2024. Submitted.
Expository papers and notes
Here is a selected collection of notes I have written and nicely typeset. Some of these are from coursework or other academic projects, and some of these were written for instruction purposes.
Notes on the Prime Number Theorem, available here.
This expository paper was constructed from notes taken during my directed reading program I did in the spring 2024 semester, mentored by PhD student Nicholas Backes. It provides a summary of what I read on the prime number theorem primarily from Complex Analysis by Stein and Shakarchi that semester.
Greedy Algorithms, available here.
This is a supplemental material I provided students in the algorithms course I served as a teaching assistant for in the Fall 2024 semester. I provided students with optional reading to familiarize themselves with greedy algorithms beyond the examples covered in class.